Community Bulk Text

Every mobile phone accepts SMS and this makes it the perfect communications channel to reach out to every member of your community with important alerts, regardless of the type of mobile they use. This is why so many community and neighbourhood watch groups will use community bulk text messaging to alert all members of for […]

Using SMS for MMS Marketing

A picture paints a thousand words. Sending an image or video can have an immediate impact and response from potential customers. Sendmode have developed a very simple way to send an MMS message using our SMS Marketing software. Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is a standard way for users to send pictures and video over the […]

What is MMS and How Does it Work

Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is a standard way for users to send pictures and video over the cellular network. Apart from a small number of territories, notably China and Norway MMS has not been a commercial success due to the technology being plagued by technical issues. Over the years these technical issues have been ironed […]

Bulk Text Marketing for Hair Salons

Because the text messaging function is on every phone in the world many hair salons will use text and bulk text for communication with their customer base. This can be for appointment reminders or mass marketing of offers and promotions. Sendmode’s Bulk Text service is fast, easy to use, cost-effective and highly accountable. Plus we […]

What is Direct Marketing and How Does it Work

Direct Marketing is also known as direct response marketing and is used by companies to communicate directly with their customers through a variety of media. Traditionally this would have taken the form of fliers, newspapers, magazines, tv and outdoor advertising but nowadays there is a greater emphasis on Digital and Mobile Marketing techniques such as […]

What is SMS and How Does it Work

Once the most popular form of messaging between people and despite a declining market in consumer messaging, there are still huge numbers of SMS sent each month. Portio research estimates that there will be 6.29 trillion SMS sent in 2018. SMS stands for Short Message Service was developed in the 1980’s to check signalling paths […]

What is SMiShing and How Does it Work

SMiShing is a fraud technique that uses SMS to try to scam consumers. It is similar to email phishing but uses SMS instead of email. See those emails you get pretending to be from your bank and asking you to click a link and enter details. This is called email phishing whereby fraudsters are trying […]

What is an SMS Gateway and How Does it Work

Most software will have a communications feature built-in, some use email notifications, some use push notifications to a mobile app and some use SMS. For the ones using SMS to communicate with customers the message will need to be sent to an SMS Gateway. The basic function of an SMS Gateway is to deliver the […]

What does OTT mean and How Does it Work

OTT (Over the Top) is the term used for the broadcast of content over the internet, bypassing the telecommunications companies and mobile networks. For example, in the past the mobile networks controlled the most popular messaging app, SMS, and charged consumers per message sent. Each message was sent over their mobile network. However with the […]

What is Bulk Text & How Does It Work?

Bulk Text is a marketing technique that uses SMS to deliver short, concise marketing and information from businesses to their customer bases. The SMS function is available on every mobile handset and this gives SMS an advantage over other messages apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Viber as it has 100% market penetration. Generally business […]