Many software packages wish to use instant communications with their customers. It comes down to two choices; Push Notifications or SMS Gateway.
Push Notifications
To use Push notifications, you will have to develop your own branded mobile application for your customers. Developing your own mobile phone app comes with a number of advantages and disadvantages. While it may sound and feel great to have your own branded app in the App and Play Stores, you must develop for the different phone platforms, iOS, Android and Windows, plus you must maintain the app for updates for every operating system.
It will take at least four weeks development and another 4 for the application to be accepted into the AppStore for the iPhone market. On the Google PlayStore you can upload your application immediately.
You also need to ask your customers to download the app. The take up of branded apps on mobile is very low. The real estate on consumer phones is very important. So after all your effort getting the mobile phone applications developed for your service, you could be left with a considerable maintenance overhead for applications very few people are using.
SMS Gateway
SMS is the only app on every mobile phone in the world so you’ll immediately be able to contact all your customers via SMS.
Next is the technical considerations; Integrating with an SMS Gateway can take as little as a few minutes with full end to end reporting integration taking approximately 4 hours.
Finally, all bulk texting functionality will be available to any SMS Gateway so you will be able to send branded SenderIDs with your message. Plus you can see delivery reports for all SMS Messages, this is not available with Push as delivery reports are not returned, you must hope the message was delivered with Push Notifications, whereas with SMS you have a guaranteed receipt.
We have been in the SMS business for over 7 years’ and with more than 20,000 happy customers and one of the most robust and easy to use SMS Gateway on the internet, we would love nothing more than to show you how to SMS enable your application with our SMS Gateway. Click on the link below and try our service for free.