Sendmode launches slick new interface for its SMS Marketing service

We are delighted to launch our new mobile optimized user interface with better reporting, faster and easier campaign management. The new application works beautifully on all screen sizes; desktop, laptop, tablet and phone.

We have a great new dashboard screen with easy access to all other areas in the system. The dashboard includes a timeline report showing when your previous SMS Campaigns were sent out.

I’ve put together some screenshots below.

Send SMS Screen


Reporting Screen

The reporting has been much improved and you can now see a visual report on how your messages were delivered. Drill down even further and you can see old or unused numbers and these can be removed from your list, optimizing your campaigns and saving you money.


I hope you found this helpful in some way and thank you for taking the time to read our blog. We love the feedback we receive from everyone and it is our customers and blog readers who drive the innovation in our SMS Marketing service.

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