With over 350 million professionals on the LinkedIn network, many of them key decision makers it is important if you are considering LinkedIn Marketing to get your profile right. If you have decided that LinkedIn is a potential marketing resource for you and your customers will use it to decide between you and your competitors, you need to pay as much attention to it as your other marketing channels. Think of it as a shop window.
Our friends at MarketingProfs have produced a fantastic cheat sheet to get your profile right.
LinkedIn Ads
Similar to Facebook you can purchase LinkedIn Ads and refine your search to include only decision makes you feel will be interested in your service. There are lots of tutorials about this on the web if you want to go down this route. For now though we’ll get the profile right as a starting point and we hope this blog was helpful.
We are in the SMS Marketing business and have been using LinkedIn Ads for years to help us connect with key decision makers in the SME sector. It continues to work for us and hope it works for you also.