If you are not familiar with mobile marketing techniques, it is probably time for your business to start looking. Mobile is first now for internet use, 66% of website traffic over Black Friday and Cyber Monday weekend came through a mobile device (Source: Salmon).
There are many ways to market your business to customer’s mobiles; your mobile friendly website, social media and email marketing for example. This blog will concentrate on webtext marketing. This is a technique whereby you use an online service to send text messages to your customers. The response rates from it are unreal and far surpass email marketing. In fact you will find a comparison between SMS and Email Marketing here.
There are a couple of things to consider if you decide to use Webtext Marketing.
Building your opt-in database
Because our mobile phones are so personal to us, you must get permission from each customer in order to send SMS to them. Don’t worry, it is well worth it. Combining Webtext marketing and Permission based marketing can yield response rates of between 10% and 50%.
Short, Sharp, Concise Offers
Consider that your customers will have actually told you they want to receive your information and then they get a nice offer by text, straight to the point and wasting no time in their busy lives. Of course more customers are going to respond to it.
With great power comes great responsibility
Some businesses are so amazed by the response rates from their first webtext campaigns that they want to use them ALL the time. Don’t do this. Remember how personal our phones are to us. It will lead to customer fatigue and disengagement from your promotions.
We recommend once a month is perfect to get the most benefit from web text promotions.
Choose a service with a good Track Record
There are literally hundreds of companies offering webtext services. Choose one with a track record that has been around a long time. They will have built relationships with the mobile telecommunications companies, have the best prices and understand the data protection legislation.
One More reason to use Webtext?
Apart from the fantastic read, open and response rates from web text marketing you can stay ahead of your competition because only 39% of business owners and managers are currently using it. This giving you a massive opportunity to tap into the power of it as a marketing channel and beat your competition.
“SMS remains an effective, yet underutilized, mobile tactic among marketing leaders and is particularly valuable when used in conjunction with mobile techniques such as wallet, web and native applications to orchestrate a deepening level of customer engagement.” said Charles Golvin, research director, Gartner for Marketers.
About Sendmode
Sendmode has been in the Web text and SMS Marketing industry for 10 years and serve over 35,000 customers worldwide. We have won numerous awards for customer service down through the years and pride ourselves on our levels of service & engagement with all our customers. We are available 24/7 for your needs and we monitor emails and incoming requests through evenings and weekends. We have loads of experience in the SMS Marketing industry and can help you build your customer database, design and implement your marketing campaigns.
If you are interested in trying our SMS Marketing service please contact us at any time via email at [email protected], webchat or phone us on 01-685-4913.
Check out our low prices and click ‘Try for Free’ for a no obligation free trial. And expect a lovely welcome call from one of our support staff.